
I sit there fiddling my thumbs, fidgeting on a cushion of needles trying to let out the colossal hoard of thoughts and worries that I’ve kept inside like a ship in a bottle. Wading through the perilous, meandering stretch crossing floods of memories through muddy relations on derailed trains of thoughts. Over the walls I’ve built.
In this room, what’s said and heard, however much I let go, is as much as this room keeps with the two people here. This is a safe, a room that serves as just a bigger confine of my mind.
Continue reading “Therapy”

Story of a Gift

Casual, not too much so but better dressed than he usually did. A hoodie over a collared shirt and jeans, the sweat dripping down his back goes unnoticed in the sweltering cover of his layers. His hands shake while holding a present comfortably wrapped; not snug, not fit, just loose enough to open effortlessly. He’d walk the pavement with shaky steps and staggering in indecision and anxiety of seeing his muse. She was dainty; pale skin, bags under the eyes, hardly a touch of makeup from days of lacking sleep, yet he sees it all come together more than the sum of the parts. He’d say, “for you,” but it gets stuck in his throat; he’s speechless and overwhelmed from what beats in his heart. She’ll smile and take the present; she’d hug him thanks but he could not let out a sound. There’s indecision and anxiety and lack of time. He’d say, “goodbye, hope you like the gift,” and leave while looking back after every other step. They’d never talk again.
Na/GloPoWriMo Prompt

Last Stop

The train stopped; the conductor announced over the system that it’s the end of the line.

The passengers alight; there are those who rush and there are those who wait until the crowd has gone.

Still on my seat, I watch; I wait as the train empties and the space reveals itself in the absence of presence.

As I stand when the last of us are just about getting out of the train, I pause again to take in the emptiness.

It’s the end of the line; I’ve gone through it all. There’s nothing else to wait for; it’s time to set off.